Miryam, the prologue of the letter Aleph
Now that Miriam has already started on the trip, I am pleased to publish here the prologue which opens the novel.
are the letter Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It's up to me the principle of this story and I'll pull back. Once I did, thinking that the task was too heavy and I was right.
was when God, blessed be his name, set about creating the world by his word. Then all of us, the letters of the alphabet, descended from his crown where we had been engraved with a pen of burning flame. I also dropped, but the others were vying to be selected and become the first letter was to say that God creating the world, I will I stayed on the sidelines watching.
I could hear them pleading, a after the other
- Building the world to use me!
- It starts with me!
- Look how beautiful I am! My sisters
swirled around God and shining light of their repeated requests nuisance.
God looked anything but the letters one after the other, were discarded until the choice was Beth. The favorite sparkled like a glowing ember.
However, God did not escape my modesty and said:
- Since you, Aleph, you do not have advanced claims, I will reward you. Will you be the first letter of the Tablets of the Covenant that I will give to my servant Moses.
This was before the creation of the world, back when there were no tables, or the desert or the Red Sea, nor Egypt, nor Moses. There was only the tohu wa
bohu, the earth without form and void, nothingness and chaos. But God, blessed be his name, sees and knows through time. He knows everything. And, even before the world was, he knew that one day he had a people, that this would be oppressed in the land of Egypt, which would give rise to the liberator Moses to lead his people in the desert and there on the stone Tables of the Covenant, his finger would have written the Ten Commandments. To do that he needed me, dell'Aleph as the first letter.
God is the Lord, his eyes blazing time melts like wax, becomes liquid drains away.
The Name, the unpronounceable name of God, is made up of four letters that combined they can form words Haya, Hove, ihieè: was, is, it will be.
So is God: it was the first principle, is present in every moment and will over time.
And God, even before the world was, he knew that one day he had chosen a people to show the nation what it was really God, God, not idols of wood, iron and gold, those idols, blind, dumb and deaf to demands of men.
So God, when was the appropriate time, went to the peoples of the earth and asked them, one by one:
- Want to be my people? If You'll be my people, I will be your God
But one after another, refused. Too burdensome and faithfulness to one God, too pure a faith without pictures and statues in front of which to kneel. One by one the Alliance refused. So God knocked to the people of Israel, the last one left, a non-people, a people-together, poor living in a foreign land, Egypt. Israel agreed.
Similarly, before the foundation of the world, God knew that one day he had to choose a girl among his people. Not more than a child. Yes, before it all began, God knew that one day we would be bending over a child, he would face a question and would have to wait for his answer.
Although it is true that God, blessed be his name, can do all things and knows all things, it is also true that God created men free. Could overwhelm the world, people shrug off the face of the earth as crumbs from the table, spill it like a glove, bring back all the tohu wa bohu, create from scratch another world less imperfect and evil.
But God has willed that all men were free creatures. He is in every place, has left them an inviolable space. A small ball in the middle of the heart, a cavity, a door. Where no one can enter. There, each man decides for himself. And God is knocking, asking questions. And in the doorway waiting for a response.
I, Aleph, I say that this story begins.
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